The processes of packaging and distribution of meat products require measures of accident prevention, protection and controlled conservation of inputs and products required by the NTP CODEX CXC 58:2012 and this depends on the resources of trained labor, water quality, adequate facilities, equipment, tools and an adequate work environment. It is for these requirements that it is necessary to apply a technique that not only improves the efficiency of its processes, but also positively changes the habits of workers and allows compliance with current regulations, since this will optimize the sale of products. quality and entry into new markets. This research aimed to implement the Japanese 5S methodology in a food industry company that packages and distributes meat products to increase the efficiency of its processes considering that 90% is done manually. That is why at the beginning of the implementation several unnecessary elements and disorder in the areas were observed. The results showed that 5S are a useful tool to increase organizational performance, improve work culture, process efficiency, etc. After 19 weeks of implementation of the 5S, maximum scores of Seiri (classification) 84%, Seiton (Order) 84%, Seiso (Cleaning) 89%, Seiketsu (Standardization) 87%, and Shitsuke (Discipline) 84% were obtained. The study concluded that the implementation of the 5S allowed a greater commitment of the employees and, in turn, improved the packaging and distribution processes of meat products.